Personal Essays

Watching the sunrise from a city balcony

How I Make Time to Write Every Day

One part, but not the only part, of creativity is something airy and fragile. The muses are picky, and they visit only in very particular circumstances. In the book, The Birth of Tragedy, Friedrich Nietzsche classified this more emotional, passionate, fickle side of the creative process as “Dionysian,” named for and represented by Dionysus, the …

How I Make Time to Write Every Day Leer más »

Siobhan and Fede wearing masks

Argentine Quarantine with my Mother-in-Law

  My mother-in-law is a physically beautiful, and sometimes emotionally complex woman. I should also mention, she’s not technically my mother-in-law. She’s my boyfriend’s mom. I’m not married. But, in many Spanish speaking countries, the word for mother-in-law, suegra, is used to describe the mother of your partner whether you are married or just in a relationship. …

Argentine Quarantine with my Mother-in-Law Leer más »