
Ariana Grande, Ethan Slater, Dr. Lilly Jay, and Fame
On December 19th, 2024, a therapist named Dr. Lilly Jay published an article in The Cut called “How Does My Divorce Make You Feel?” In

The True and Tragic Tale of Ballerina Farm and “Mama and Tata”
The following is the script of a YouTube video. If you would like to watch or listen to this in video format, you can do

What Anna Marie Tendler Did (Not) Say About John Mulaney
The following is the script for a YouTube video. To watch or listen to in video format, you can follow this link. If not, continue

All My False Gods
In 2001, when I was seven, I asked my first-grade teacher (a sugar-sweet, angel-on-earth woman named Sister Mary William) why 9/11 happened. She told me,

How I Make Time to Write Every Day
One part, but not the only part, of creativity is something airy and fragile. The muses are picky, and they visit only in very particular

Review of “Confessions of a Viral AI Writer”
In 2021, Vauhini Vara published an essay called “Ghosts.” In “Ghosts,” she used an early model of ChatGPT to help her write a story about

How I Overcame My Homesickness
Part I I grew up in a small town, and as a kid, I always wanted to get out. I was curious, energetic, imaginative.

Editor Reviews “The Case for Marrying an Older Man”
On March 27th, The Cut published an essay called “The Case for Marrying an Older Man” by Grazie Sophia Christie. In the essay, the writer

Old People Dying is Still a Tragedy
When I was around eleven or twelve, I was old enough to understand the inevitability of death but young enough that I still prayed. I

What is the novel Equator about?
Isa never really knew her mother. She was, in fact, separated from her mother as a child after a traumatic event, and they haven’t spoken

The Girl who Died on my Study Abroad Trip
Trigger warning: this essay contains mentions of sexual assault, rape, and violence. Two asterisks (**) indicate that the name has been changed to protect the

This Free Play is Perfect for a Large Cast of Students
The Superlatives is a play about extremes. Considering it’s based on the world’s most famous book of facts, it’s fitting that the play got its

You Should Have Learned that There are Six Continents
It’s time for the U.S. to join other parts of the world in learning that there are six continents, not seven. When you were in

Argentine Quarantine with my Mother-in-Law
My mother-in-law is a physically beautiful, and sometimes emotionally complex woman. I should also mention, she’s not technically my mother-in-law. She’s my boyfriend’s mom.

What is it Like Living on the Galápagos Islands?
In 2018, when I was 22-23 years old, I lived and worked in the Galápagos Islands for one year. The islands are a fantasy, and
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